The Grampian Evaluation Network

The purpose of our network is to: 

  • Support the awareness and capacity of the Grampian health and social care workforce to understand and implement evaluation in projects, programmes and portfolios of work. 
  • Provide a platform for people across Grampian with an interest in evaluation to come together to collaborate, exchange and develop ideas, and identify and promote best practice. 


Sharing learning (within the network). Network meetings provide an opportunity for members to share their knowledge and experience. 

Evaluation Clinics provide the opportunity to support colleagues outwith the network. Clinics are held monthly and are open to all staff from NHSG, H&SCPs, local authorities and third sector. They are designed to offer advice and support whatever stage a project is at: planning, implementing, writing up or disseminating data. 

Training we sometimes organise training events on aspects of evaluation. 

Developing and conducting evaluations see examples of previous work we have been in involved with here.

You are very welcome to join us if you have an interest or role around evaluation

We meet alternate Mondays 11am-12 – please contact any of us for a Teams invitation. 

Current members

Dr Calum Leask  

Lead for Research & Evaluation, NHSG 



Andrea Gilmartin  

Advanced Public Health Coordinator, Aberdeen H&SCP 



Dr Fiona Murray  

Public Health Researcher, NHSG 



Michelle Grant  

Transformation Programme Manager, Aberdeen H&SCP 



Jacqueline Bell  

Public Health Researcher, NHSG 



Diane Wilson  

LIST- Senior Information Analyst, PHS 



Duncan Sage  

LIST – Principal Information Analyst, PHS 



Rebecca Scott 

Project Manager, Urgent & Unscheduled Care 


Niki Couper  

LIST- Senior Information Analyst, PHS